Saturday, November 24, 2012

Basic (Magical) Herbs: Lesson 2

Dill (Anethum gravelus)

Medicinal Uses: digestive disorders, infections, diuretic

Magickal Uses: protection, love and and aphrodisiac (seeds) as well as Money and Luck

May be hung in childrens' rooms to protect them from evil spirits and protect against bad dreams.
Use dill seeds in money spells.
Take a dill bath to make yourself irresistible

Witch in the Kitchen explains that while Dill (the plant) is an herb, the seeds are actually a spice on her blog post HERE

I think that most of us know Dill best as part of the pickling spices used for cucumbers to make Dill Pickles. However, there are many other pickle recipes that call for dill including green tomatoes and
Green Beans like those sold by Darling Delights 2012 on Etsy HERE

Etsy has many other dill recipes available including dill bread and dips.

Sage (Salvia Officianalis)

Medicinal Uses: astringent, anti-inflammatory, digestive
A drying agent in the body.
The tea can be used for night sweats, breast milk, and mucous congestion.
Benefits nerves and the menstrual cycle.
An astringent, helps with diarrhea
Use as a sore throat gargle.
A poultice for sores and stings.
Homeopathic form is used for night sweats, coughs and dry breast milk.

Magickal Uses: purification, wisdom, wishes
Tradition holds that whomever eats sage becomes immortal in both wisdom and years.
Used for wish manifestation and to attract money.

It is my personal opinion that every witch should be familiar with this herb.
It is a wonderful purifying herb whether used in an herb mix, as an incense or in smudging wands, which is probably most popular for.
I have used white sage for smudging not only in my home but for the ritual cleansing of someone dear to me who was very ill and fearful of having cancer. Sage has a wonderful smell, the smoke is a beautiful white and swirls through air, touching everything with its purifying essence.

Moma Sarah of ConjureCardea offers bundles of California White Sage
She explains "Our Native elders have taught us that before a person can be healed or heal another, one must be cleansed of any bad feelings, negative thoughts, bad spirits or negative energy - cleansed both physically and spiritually. This helps the healing to come through in a clear way, without being distorted or sidetracked by negative "stuff" in either the healer or the client. The elders say that all ceremonies, tribal or private, must be entered into with a good heart so that we can pray, sing, and walk in a sacred manner, and be helped by the spirits to enter the sacred realm."
You can buy this sage and other herbs and curios from Moma Sarahs shop on Etsy HERE

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
The poisonous herb of the week.

Medicinal Uses: used to make heart medication, digoxin
Anyone who has or has had a loved one with heart or blood problems has probably heard of the medication Digitalis, which is made from a component of foxglove or a synthesized version of the component.

Magickal Uses: to attract fairies, protection from evil as well as increases confidence and self esteem, wounds to the heart, old grief that has refused to process, ease mental turmoil, quit mind, connect to heart, releasing past life patterns. Karmic patterns.

MoonlightCrystals offers a Heart Chakra Flower Essence that includes Foxglove as well as other flower and crystal essences.
There is even a Self Healing Ceremony included that has Introspection, Visualization and Affirmation.
You can purchase this Essence elixir at MoonlightCrystals shop on Etsy HERE

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