The first card in The Herbal Tarot deck and the first card I will be studying
in this introduction to the tarot with herbs is
0 The Fool Ginseng
The tarot deck pamphlet has this to say of the card:
"Ginseng is the herb of cosmic energy. It is a tonic and a demulcent. The root is used for all deficiencies and weaknesses. (Uranus)."
The Fool is the card of infinite possibilities so filled with visions, questions, wonder and excitement is he, that he doesn't see the cliff he is likely to fall over.
While it's wonderful to be enthralled with all around you, excited by all life has to offer, you still need to watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool.
The Fool is always an indicator of newness; as well as the purity and open-hearted energy of a child. This is generally considered a positive card, with the caveat that it's important to take time to be sure that you are "looking where you're going."
The Fool is also the card of Primordial Deity.
This is the Deity before the making of the universe, when God, or Goddess, was One and complete in itself. Before the "Big Bang" so to speak.
This is the card of Beginnings, before even the story is laid out.
I like to think of the tarot as a story and the Fool is the decision of reading the story more than the opening or first words of the story itself.
The Primordial Deity plays into Ginseng being the "herb of cosmic energy."
Panax ginseng or
Panax quinquefolius)
Ruled by Uranus, Saturn and the Sun
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Medicinal Properties:
Ginseng is known as the king of herbs because of its multitude of medicinal uses
Valued in Chinese medicine as a valued treatment for "yang" defficency in the spleen and kidneys, as well as for the effect it has on "Qi," or the vital force thought to be inherent in all things.
Ginseng is highly regarded as a stimulant and general tonic that promotes sexual potency, lust, vitality, and long life. Also considered to be great in aiding mind and body in adapting to stress, trauma and fatigue, as well as having some ability to increase stamina and stimulate the immune system
Drunk as a tea, Ginseng is believed to be a powerful lust-provoking aphrodisiac
CAUTION: Don't take Ginseng and Ginseng mixtures with Coffee as it will accelerate the caffeine effects on the body and can cause diarrhea.
Magical Properties:
The mystical and magical lore goes back for thousands of years.
The forked root of the plant also sometimes quite clearly resembles that of a human figure, giving rise to the aphrodisiac qualities associated with it. In fact, the most valuable roots of all are the few found with an appendage between the forked "legs" of the figure.
In modern magic, Ginseng root is carried to attract love, ensure sexual potency, enhance beauty, draw money, and promote general good health and vitality. It is also associated with protection,fulfillment of wishes, and spirituality.
Burning Ginseng root or powder as an incense is believed to ward off evil, break hexes or curses, repel negative spirits, and provide visualization fulfillment
In Hoodoo
For Male Vigor, keep Ginseng in a bottle of Holy Oil and use it to dress the penis.
To make a Gambling Hand, get a piece of Ginseng, a piece of Black Snake Root, a John the Conqueror Root slice, and three fresh seeds from a green (unripe) Red Pepper. Fold it toward you into a scrap of red flannel, soak it in Hoyt’s Cologne, sew it up, and place it in a red flannel bag.
To Control Your Mate, mix Angelica root powder and Ginseng root powder with an equal volume of white flour and scorch this in a pan on the stove, being careful not to burn it. Use it to dust the house for 9 days.
Ginseng is an effective substitute for mandrake in all spells.
Llewellyn Spell of the Day
Uses Ginseng for its cleansing and hex-breaking properties.
"For guarding health and drawing strength and courage, ginseng is very useful. It’s not for nothing that ginseng is called the “wonder of the world” root.
Carry the root with you, in pieces or whole, wrapped in a piece of red cloth and secured with gold or orange thread. Or else keep a ginseng pouch in your living room or on your altar.
Ginseng when burnt and used as a fumigant is potent for breaking hexes. For purifying home interiors, place ginseng root on your altar for three days.
Then soak it in a bowl of warm water and leave it to stand overnight. Sprinkle the water from the bowl around the rooms of your home, or on the windows and doors. Sprinkle the water in the four corners of the property for protection against entities. Store the ginseng water in a spray bottle.
Before you dress each morning, lightly spritz your body from head to foot. The ginseng spritz is especially helpful for those engaged in healing and psychic work."
Witches of the Craft also has a
Ginseng Spell
Using the first dollar earned in a business wrapped around a ginseng root to bring prosperity.