Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Ostara!

Happy Ostara Everyone!

Today is an especially wonderful sabbat for my family as it is the anniversary of the handfasting of Damon and myself.
For some reason we didn't get a really good photo of the blanket and altar set up but  you can see part of it in the background here - offering bowls, flowers, water, etc.

Me holding the chalice of milk

Damon in his rirual robe looking a lil pouty as he hates having his picture taken.

Ostara Correspondences
Incense: Jasmine, Rose
Decorations: Yellow Disk or Wheel, Coloured Egg's, Hare Decorations, Spring Flowers
Colours: Yellow
This marks the Spring Equinox. This is the Pagan "Easter" - or rather, this is the day that Christians borrowed to be their Easter. It is traditionally the day of equilibrium, neither harsh winter nor the merciless summer, and is a time of childish wonder. Painted eggs, baskets of flowers and the like are generally used to decorate the house.
For more information about the Wheel of the Year and how Ostara plays in it check out my essay HERE.

For more information about Eostra Eggs and Egg dying, see my Pagan Blog Project post - E is for Eggs.

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